
  • Siti Hardiyanti Nawir kesehatan
  • Peter Kabo Departemen Farmakologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Ilhamjaya Pattelongi Departemen Fisiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin




Moringa leaves, liver disease, carbontetrachloride, histopathology



Kerusakan hati menjadi salah satu penyakit dengan prevalensi yang tinggi khususnya di negara berkembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat adanya efek ekstrak ethanol daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) terhadap proteksi fungsi hati dan histopatologi tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi karbontetraklorida (ccl4). serta menentukan dosis efektif dari kombinasi tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental laboratorium menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain post test only control group pada tikus wistar. Tikus dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol positif (ekstrak kurkuma), kontrol pembanding (NaCMC 1%) dan 3 kelompok pemberian ekstrak dengan 3 variasi dosis masing-masing 250 mg/kgBB, 500 mg/kgBB dan 750 mg/kgBB. Dilakukan pengamatan terhadap uji profil kimia darah yang meliputi SGOT dan SGPT serta dilanjutkan dengan uji histopatologi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan perubahan hasil pengukuran darah fungsi hati (SGOT dan SGPT) antar kelompok selama 8 hari. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan perubahan hasil pengukuran profil kimia darah antar kelompok selama perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil uji one way ANOVA pada pengukuran SGOT dan SGPT terdapat hasil tes bermakna (P<0,05). Hasil uji histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbaikan fungsi dan struktur hati pada kelompok pemberian ekstrak etanol daun kelor. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) memiliki kemampuan sebagai hepatoprotektor terhadap fungsi hati pada dosis 750 mg/kgBB.


Liver damage is one of the diseases with high prevalence especially in developing countries. This study aims to see the effect of ethanol extract of Moringa oleifera leaves on liver function protection and histopathology of white rat (Rattus norvegicus) induced by carbontetrachloride (CCl4). and determine the effective dose of the combination. This research was conducted experimentally using a laboratory experimental method with a post test only control group design in wistar rats. Rats were divided into 5 groups, namely the positive control group (curkuma extract), comparative control (NaCMC 1%) and 3 groups giving extracts with 3 variations of each dose of 250 mg / kgBB, 500 mg / kgBB and 750 mg / kgBB. Observations were made on the blood chemistry profile test which included SGOT and SGPT and continued with histopathological testing. The results showed that there were differences in changes in the results of liver function blood measurements (SGOT and SGPT) between groups for 8 days. The results showed that there were differences in changes in the measurement results of blood chemistry profiles between groups during treatment. Based on the results of the one way ANOVA test on SGOT and SGPT measurements there were significant test results (P <0.05). The results of histopathological tests showed that there was an improvement in liver function and structure in the group given ethanol extract of kelor leaves. It can be concluded that the ethanol extract of Moringa oleifera leaves has the ability as a hepatoprotector of liver function at a dose of 750 mg / kgBB.


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