Budidaya Maggot BSF Sebagai Alternatif Pakan Dalam Mengatasi Limbah Sampah Organik di Desa Majannang
BSF Maggot, Environmental Management, Cultivation TechnologyAbstract
The people of Majannang Village have a fairly abundant waste from household and market waste. The community in Majannang Village does not yet have knowledge about the use of environmental management and organic waste as feed ingredients for Maggot BSF. The purpose of this activity is to develop BSF Maggot cultivation technology in overcoming partner problems. BSF Maggot cultivation is carried out on a land area of 25 m2 with stages of activities to conduct site surveys, preparation of cultivation facilities and infrastructure, Maggot cultivation and monitoring and evaluation. The results obtained are the application of BSF Maggot cultivation technology, dry BSF Maggot, flour and pellet feed made from BSF maggots. BSF Maggot cultivation technology is able to be a solution for the people of Majannang Village in order to overcome the problem of organic waste to be used as a component of efficient shrimp/fish feed ingredients. This service program is also expected to help increase the economic independence of the community in the field of shrimp and fish farming business while providing opportunities for the community to open new business opportunities to become producers of shrimp and fish feed raw materials based on Maggot BSF in the future. The community and partners will continue to develop Maggot production to meet the needs of fish feed needed and in the future partner communities can sell Maggots to meet the needs of shrimp and fish feed in Majannang Village.
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