Pemberdayaan Perajin Batu Bulu Melalui Pola Rancangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Kekayaan Lokal
Crafts, Empowerment, feather stone, innovation, local wisdomAbstract
Designing a specialty-based tourism village is a target in the government's program to develop village-based tourism. Allakuang is one of the centers of bulu stone (limestone mountain stone), which in reality, has the potential to be developed into a special tourism village. This activity aims to encourage the awareness of the village government, stone artisans, and all elements of society to realize Allakuang Village as a Stone-Based Tourism Village. The Unibos KKN-T activity has completed a work program with a mentoring and mentoring approach, strengthening the mindset of the community and village and hamlet governments and declaring a stone-based tourism village. This is a form of support for the local wisdom of the community.Bosowa University Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN-T) students have devoted themselves to developing their knowledge to be applied in community empowerment programs. At the same time, it becomes lecture material for him to examine and explore the extent of the community's problems and how they have been finding solutions.The community's enthusiasm in welcoming student work program activities proves their presence is well received. This activity is useful for improving student skills to be skilled later in the world of work. It also benefits the government and village communities because all work programs provide new nuances in managing the economic and social life of the community, and are also beneficial for tertiary institutions in providing opportunities for lecturers to work outside campus in the form of student and community assistance.
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