Program Kerja Bakti di RT. 01 Bumi Permata Sudiang oleh Mahasiswa Kkn Tematik 53 Non-Reguler Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Bosowa


  • Indrayani Nur Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Bosowa



Community Service, Environmental Cleanliness., Trash Bin


Community service program in RT. 01 Bumi Permata Sudiang, Biringkanaya District, Makassar City, South Sulawesi. The background of the problem is to foster the character of gotong royong and eliminate the sense of lack of social care for the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. The solution to this problem is to make a regular community service schedule, provide facilities for disposing of garbage by providing trash bins in each house, clean weeds, and install environmental cleanliness slogans at several points. The community service program received a positive response from the community, as evidenced by the community's participation in each program. Community service is a willing attitude to work together that can foster a sense of togetherness and harmony within the work that is completed quickly and creates a beautiful environment.


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