Aplikasi Beton Non Pasir Dengan Bahan Tambah Abu Sekam Padi untuk Jalan Taman di Kelurahan Baju Bodoa Maros
Non Sand Concrete, Rice Husk Ash, Baju BodoaAbstract
Baju Bodoa is one of the three villages included in the administrative area of Maros Baru District. In addition to the cultural aspects that are so thick, Baju Bodoa is also famous as an agricultural area with good agricultural potential. Vast and stretched rice fields, duck and chicken farms and gardens are also quite commodities that support the community. Baju Bodoa consists of three RW and Baju Bodoa also has 22 RT’s. Baju Bodoa is also famous as an agricultural region with good agricultural potential. Vast and stretched rice fields, duck and chicken farms and gardens are also quite commodities that support the community in addition to of course the aspect of service goods which is also one of the supporters of the residents economy. The potential of UMKM in this village is also very rapidly growing along the axis road of the village to enter the residential area. Baju Bodoa Village there are several social facilities and public facilities where there are parks and roads that are often flooded when it rains. The method used in this activity is an active participation method through three ways, namely (1) Socialization, (2) Non-Sand Concrete Training, and (3) Field Practice. As a result of this community service activity, Mitra maintains how to manage rice husk waste to be useful that can be used for added cement and apply it in making paving blocks that can be used in parks and village roads
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