Sosialisasi Penerapan Restorative Justice Pada Tahap Penyidikan dan Penuntutan oleh Mahasiswa KKN Tematik Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bosowa Angkatan 53
Restorative Justice, Victim, perpetratortsAbstract
Restorative Justice is the settlement of criminal cases involving perpetrators, victims, families of perpetrators/victims, and other related parties to jointly seek a fair solution by emphasizing restoration to its original state and not retaliation. How to deal with it so that the perpetrator does not end up in jail and the victim gets accountability for the actions of the perpetrator. Restorative justice prioritizes the settlement of criminal cases by deliberation and solving them collectively for the sake of the future. The function of this service activity is to make people in the city of Makassar and students know and understand the latest legal policies in Indonesia. With the many limitations of the community in accessing the latest legal information, this activity makes students and the general public who are still unfamiliar with law in Indonesia understand more and can increase enthusiasm for students and the public to add insight. It is hoped that the knowledge provided in this activity can be useful and add insight.
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