Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Berbasis Masyarakat Melalui KKN Tematik di Desa Moncongloe Bulu Kabupaten Maros
Sustainable Development, Community Development, Thematic KKNAbstract
Thematic KKN is a Real Work Lecture whose activity program orientation is focused on a particular theme in accordance with societal problems and the direction of development policies implemented by the government of a particular region (Regency/City). Based on observations made by the 53rd KKN-Thematic team, there are several problems in Moncongloe Bulu Village, namely that the community needs: fish cultivation training, access point maps in several locations, village maps, youth development, and increased environmental awareness. This KKN activity is carried out by observing and mapping work programs. The results of community service activities through Thematic KKN class 53 at Bosowa University in Moncongloe Bulu Village, Maros Regency went well. This activity is an academic activity that has a definite theme, namely community-based sustainable development. This activity was carried out smoothly based on the work program that had been designed, namely: a) fish cultivation training, b) there were map access points in several locations, c) there were village maps, d) development of village youth through Al-Qur'an education parks, and e) increasing environmental awareness through community service to clean villages. Through this thematic KKN activity, we are finally able to contribute to sustainable development in rural areas in order to help empower and advance villages, especially providing solutions to the problems faced by Moncongloe Bulu Village in Maros Regency.
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