Workshop Pembuatan Produk Teh Herbal Daun Kelor Melalui Kkn Tematik Di Desa Mattirowalie Kabupaten Wajo
Kata kunci: Moringa leaf, herbal tea, Thematic KKN, WorkshopAbstract
This Thematic KKN was carried out in Mattirowalie Village, Wajo Regency and this is a Real Work Lecture program whose activity program orientation is focused on certain themes in accordance with community problems and the direction of development policies implemented by certain regional governments (Regency/City). KKN is a form of community service carried out by universities together with students to apply various research results and appropriate technology services. Based on observations made by the 55th Thematic KKN team, there were several problems in Mattirowalie Village. The problem is that there are no processed Moringa leaf products that come with attractive packaging. The Mattirowalie KKN plans to make herbal tea products using Moringa leaves considering that many people plant Moringa leaves in their yards. So in our opinion, making this product can help the community in Mattirowalie village in improving MSMEs in Mattirowalie village. We use Moringa leaves as the main ingredient for making herbal tea because we see the many properties that can be used as an internal medicine for healing health and preventing disease. Apart from that, we see the potential for easy to obtain raw materials. Based on these problems, we offer several solutions, including; Workshop on making Moringa leaf herbal tea products, Designing attractive packaging for Moringa leaf herbal tea. The method for implementing this service is to observe the condition of the area and the potential of the village area and secondly is to conduct a workshop on making herbal tea. The results of this activity show that Mattirowalie Village has agricultural potential in the form of Moringa plants and these Moringa plants are processed into herbal tea and then appropriate and attractive packaging is designed. This activity was attended by approximately 20 people from related parties; village heads, village officials and local communities
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