Pelaksanaan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Program KKN Tematik di Desa Baruga, Kabupaten Maros


  • Muthmainnah Ahmad Program Studi Ppendidikan Dokter, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Bosowa



Community Empowerment, Thematic KKN


Implementation of community service activities through Thematic KKN in Baruga Village, Maros Regency is carried out in several stages, namely: (1) Carrying out observations for approximately 2 weeks from the time of arrival with the aim of finding out the condition of the area, potential, tourism, problems in the health sector and resources from Baruga Village activities. (2) Carrying out a work program that includes education on skin health, education on how to wash hands and healthy living behavior, education on symptoms and prevention of worms in children at school. Kuliah Kerja Nnyata (KKN) is a form of student service to the community. KKN-T Batch 54 in Bantimurung District was received by sub-district officials on Saturday 20 May 2023. KKN-T Batch 54 in Baruga Village was received by the village head representative and from the presentation of the program in CHAPTER II-III it can be concluded that the KKN-T program Batch 54 in Baruga Village has been run by KKN students involving village officials and the local community. It is hoped that an evaluation will be held again regarding the work program that has been implemented and will be implemented if in the future there are KKN-T activities in Baruga Village, especially in the field of Health and improving the quality of life


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