Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Penghijauan untuk Meningkatkan Kepedulian Siswa Terhadap Lingkungan di Desa Bangkalaloe Kabupaten Jeneponto
Environment, Greening, Student ConcernAbstract
Greening is one of the important activities that must be carried out in every environment, especially the school environment. This community service program aims to carry out reforestation to improve the quality of the environment, to increase areas that are beautiful, harmonious, sustainable and to carry out environmentally sound development. The method of implementing the service is through the Real Work Lecture program which involves 22 KKN students from Bosowa University. This greening involves various parties such as KKN students, students, teachers and school administrators. The students' efforts were to bring tools for planting and several types of plants such as flowers and medicines to be planted in the garden at school. With this activity, students and teachers are inspired to protect the surrounding environment by protecting the environment and planting plants.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Khaerani Rahman, Muliati Muliati, Fatimah Azzahra Nasiruddin, Reskyani Apik Paera, Nirdayanti Mustarich

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