Skrining dan Edukasi Penyakit Hipertensi pada Warga Desa Baruga Kecamatan Bantimurung Kabupaten Maros
Screening, Education, HypertensionAbstract
Globally, hypertension is the highest cause of disability and premature death. The same condition also occurred in Bantimurung District, Maros Regency, where 200 cases of hypertension were recorded during January - July 2023. This community service aims to detect early and provide education about hypertension, so screening and education activities for hypertension were held for the residents of Baruga Village. This series of activities took place on 3 and 10 December 2023 and was attended by 29 participants aged > 30 years and carried out using the manual blood pressure checking method. The results obtained were that 69% of participants had blood pressure > 130/80 mmHg. In the follow-up activities of personal counseling, the average blood pressure increased to 144/84 mmHg. Thus, a combination of several sustainable control efforts is needed in order to achieve the expected reduction in prevalence and control targets
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