Optimalisasi Potensi Agrowisata Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kelurahan Takkalasi, Barru
Thematic Real Work Lecture, Agrotourism PotentialAbstract
This community service program aims to increase the potential for agrotourism in the Takkalasi sub-district, Barru Regency. The method of implementing activities is through thematic Real Work Lectures with a tourism theme which is carried out through collaboration between Bosowa University and the South Sulawesi Province Culture and Tourism Office. There were 24 students who participated in the activity from various study programs at Bosowa University. To achieve PKM's goals, various work programs are implemented, including agricultural counseling, livestock counseling, tourism outreach, and making promotional videos for MSMEs. All work programs were successfully implemented well and received a fairly good response from the community and local government.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Idris Taking, Ahmad Swandi

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