Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Eksplorasi Pesona Ekowisata Kecamatan Pujananting Kebupaten Barru
Community Empowerment, The Charm of EcotourismAbstract
Community empowerment is an effort to increase community participation in order to meet life's needs and resolve problems experienced by the community and is carried out based on local wisdom and potential. As well as efforts to increase skills through training in managing natural resources in a sustainable manner. Community service with KKN has implemented five work programs in the fields of economics, agriculture, education, environment and health as an effort to solve problems faced by the community. The implementation of the work program received a positive response from the government and the community so that everything went smoothly even though there were many obstacles. The work programs implemented also produced several outputs and products including: (1) Increasing competitiveness and the application of science and technology in society in the form of knowledge of product packaging using modern designs, tools, how to process pineapple into pineapple jam and Internet Marketing marketing techniques; (2) there is processing of a Business License; (3) Increasing the quality, competitiveness and added value of goods; (4) Design of Home Industry Products, (5) Opening of pineapple garden tourism.
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