Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Produksi Produk UMKM Pattondonsalu “Ole-Ole Abon Khas Maiwa”
Innovation, MarketingAbstract
In an effort to increase sales of a product, various innovations and marketing expansion are needed. MSMEs with food products must follow market trends to be able to continue to exist. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the most strategic sector of the national economy and concern the livelihoods of many people, making them the backbone of the national economy. However, the problem currently faced by small businesses or industries is industrial management and marketing. With community service related to assisting MSMEs with Abon ole-ole food, it is hoped that it can provide a solution in improving the welfare of MSMEs. The problem solving method used is based on a management approach in increasing production results and sales results with 4 (four) stages of program implementation, namely preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting. The community service program carried out is through packaging innovation and the need to attract consumer interest, as well as expanding marketing on online platforms and modern markets.
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