JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) 2024-07-09T13:42:27+08:00 Editorial Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies)</strong> is a peer-reviewed and open access journal published by International Relations Department, <strong>Universitas Bosowa</strong> in 2016. Journal is designed to covers various topics and perspective of politics, economy, law, history, social, culture, and much more and to disseminate excellent articles that present new insights, ideas, and concepts that result from contemporary research projects in local and international studies.</p> <p><strong>JILS</strong> published twice a year every January and July, always places local issues in global perspective and vice versa. JILS as a part of efforts to reach the Department's vision and mission to integrate the study of international relations with global value and local value and as an effort to develop the capacity of its researchers.</p> Indonesia's Foreign Policy: Grasping the Public's Perspective on the War in Ukraine 2024-04-01T22:07:20+08:00 Raka Pamungkas <p>This research emphasizes the importance of public opinion for Indonesia’s foreign policy in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war. As a middle-power democracy, Indonesia should recognize public opinion as a crucial component in formulating its foreign policy toward the war. On this note, Indonesian public opinion remains influenced by anti-Western sentiments, leading to empathy towards Russia and President Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s voting position at the 11th Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) related to the Russia-Ukraine war did not align with this public opinion. The Government of Indonesia based its stance on full respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and concerns about the humanitarian consequences on civilians. Nevertheless, Indonesia refrained from supporting economic sanctions against Russia and continued to invite President Vladimir Putin to the G20 Summit in 2022. In this regard, Indonesia employs a “pragmatic equidistant” foreign policy towards Russia and Ukraine, aiming to maximize partnerships based on national interests without being drawn into any sphere of influence. While public opinion should not be the sole determinant in Indonesia’s foreign policymaking, it remains significant to ensure the legitimacy of the democratic process. Therefore, after looking at the benefits and challenges of three policy choices, this policy paper strongly recommends establishing a partnership with reputable Public Opinion research institutions in Indonesia. This is the most feasible and practical option for the MoFA’s medium- and long-term strategies to assert Indonesia’s stance as a middle-power democracy.</p> 2024-07-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Raka Pamungkas Deterministik Realisme: Analisa Potensi Aneksasi Taiwan oleh Tiongkok 2024-03-26T13:21:35+08:00 Muhammad Arrafi Rizcy Deanto Nur Isdah Idris <p>Situasi antara Tiongkok dan Taiwan telah lama diwarnai oleh ketegangan dan potensi konflik militer. Tiongkok menegaskan klaim kedaulatannya atas pulau Taiwan dan tidak segan mengancam tindakan militer jika Taiwan memproklamasikan kemerdekaan secara resmi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemungkinan aneksasi Taiwan oleh Tiongkok melalui sudut pandang deterministik realisme, sebuah perspektif yang menekankan pada peran kekuatan militer dalam menjaga keseimbangan kekuatan dan mencegah konflik terbuka. Dengan mengevaluasi faktor-faktor seperti kapabilitas militer, aliansi strategis, dan kepentingan nasional, penelitian ini berupaya memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang potensi konflik di Selat Taiwan dan implikasinya bagi dinamika kekuatan di kawasan tersebut.</p> 2024-07-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Arrafi Rizcy Deanto, Nur Isdah Idris The Humanity Aspect of Art and Creative Process in The Midst of Industry Era 4.0 Towards The Era of Society 5.0 2024-07-08T13:43:26+08:00 Sitti Aaisyah Duala Oktoriani <p>In the era of advanced technology where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developing so rapidly and has become an integral part of human life, its existence has many influences on how humans live their lives. The speed and convenience offered by AI comes with negative impacts such as degradation of humans' main potential (creation, taste and intention). This is possible when AI is not controlled scientifically and ethically. When civilization from the industrial era 4.0 moves towards the era of society 5.0, AI technology becomes a necessity. Changes in this era also have implications for humans in interpreting art and the creative process. It is very important to step back and review the ethical aspects of technology so that AI, which is ideally intended to help humans do better work, can be implemented wisely.</p> 2024-07-08T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sitti Aaisyah, Oktoriani Duala