JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) 2024-01-31T23:17:19+08:00 Editorial Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies)</strong> is a peer-reviewed and open access journal published by International Relations Department, <strong>Universitas Bosowa</strong> in 2016. Journal is designed to covers various topics and perspective of politics, economy, law, history, social, culture, and much more and to disseminate excellent articles that present new insights, ideas, and concepts that result from contemporary research projects in local and international studies.</p> <p><strong>JILS</strong> published twice a year every January and July, always places local issues in global perspective and vice versa. JILS as a part of efforts to reach the Department's vision and mission to integrate the study of international relations with global value and local value and as an effort to develop the capacity of its researchers.</p> Transformasi Kebijakan Maritim dalam Era Digital: Peran Teknologi dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas dan Keamanan Lautan di Indonesia 2023-10-20T15:08:50+08:00 Muhammad Arrafi Rizcy Deanto Atika Puspita Marzaman <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>: Indonesia's maritime potential holds a significant position in the country's economy, considering Indonesia's status as an archipelagic country with several ports and sea routes which have a strategic position because Indonesia is located between two continents and two oceans, namely Asia and Australia Continents, and, Indian and the Pacific Oceans. As much as 40% of world trade routes also pass through Indonesia. However, the challenge faced by Indonesia in utilizing its potential is that maritime effectiveness and security are still low. Therefore, the transformation of maritime policy in the digital era is important to increase maritime effectiveness and security in Indonesia. Transforming maritime policy in the digital era can help improve port connectivity, increase maritime supply chain efficiency, and strengthen maritime security systems. This research will use a mixed methodology that includes literature analysis and policy analysis to explain the role of technology in increasing maritime effectiveness and security in Indonesia in the digital era. This writing concluded that the transformation of maritime policy in the digital era can have a significant impact on real-world security and cyber security. However, there are obstacles that need to be overcome so that the use of technology in maritime policy can be carried out effectively and efficiently. Therefore, more serious, and integrated efforts are needed from the government and society to overcome these obstacles and ensure that the transformation of maritime policy in the digital era can provide optimal benefits for the security and defense of maritime areas as well as cyber security in Indonesia.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>maritime policy, transformation, digital era, real-life security, cyber-security</em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Pengaruh Gerakan Hindutva terhadap Hubungan Bilateral India-Pakistan Era Kepemimpinan Narendra Modi (2014-2022) 2023-12-27T12:01:32+08:00 Feby Melati Sukma Muh. Asy’ari <p><strong><em>Abstract: </em></strong><em>Hindutva is a political ideology that supports Hindu supremacy in India which aims to transform India as a secular state into an ethno-Nationalist State (ethnic nationalism). The revival of Hindutva politics in India began since the Bharatiya janata Party (BJP) which embraced the Hindutva ideology took over the central government of India in 2014. As an ideology, Hindu nationalism (Hindutva) has dramatically changed Indian politics and its relations with other countries, especially Pakistan with the help of Narendra Modi. Therefore, this study aims to find out the influence of the Hindutva movement on India-Pakistan bilateral relations during the era of Narendra Modi's leadership. This study used descriptive qualitative research methods with library research data collection techniques. The analysis in this study uses two concepts, namely the concept of bilateral relations and the concept of political ideology. The results of this study indicate that the emergence of the Hindutva movement as a political ideology in India has brought more serious strains on the bilateral relations between India and Pakistan.</em></p> <p><em> </em><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: India, Pakistan, Hindutva, Political Ideology, Bilateral relations. </em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Implementasi Reformasi Sistem Kafala terhadap Upaya Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Buruh Migran di Qatar 2023-12-27T11:44:41+08:00 Samuel Ransi Oneson Beche Bt. Mamma <p><em>During the construction of World Cup 2022 infrastructures in Qatar there assumed to be human rights violations against migrant workers. Around 1200 migrant workers died between the year of 2010-2014 because of forced labor, bad environment, withholding wages, limited access to proper health care, discriminatory and exploitative treatment. This paper aims to describe the failure Kafala system which argued to enable the exploitation or violation of human rights against migrant workers by using qualitative research methods. The results of this study show that Qatar as an actor who responsible to secure the human rights of migrant workers has not succeeded in making a proper policy as a solution to the human rights violations that have occurred and instead created new problems from its attempt to reform the policy. Second, the gulf countries do not want to abolish the Kafala system and require its implementation because migrant workers make a major contribution to the development of their countries. Third, FIFA failed to become a law enforcer for Qatar because in organizing mega sport events, FIFA and the host country should have respected applicable laws and international principles related to human rights, including the concept in the UNGPs namely protect, repair and respect. </em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Implementasi Transnational Advocacy Networks Gerakan Earth Hour dalam Merespon Isu Perubahan Iklim di Indonesia 2023-12-27T11:57:08+08:00 Beatris Resti Arief Wicaksono <p><em>Today the issue of climate change is a problem that needs to be responded collectively. Various movements emerged to respond this problem, among the most known movements is Earth Hour which influence is now became more relevant in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze and find out how Earth Hour has been implemented in Indonesia since 2009 in overcoming climate change using the Transnational Advocacy Networks (TAN) concept. Using qualitative method, researchers will describe the correlation between the data obtained and the TAN concept to explain Earth Hour in its efforts to overcome climate change in Indonesia. In using the TAN concept, researchers found that Earth Hour together with WWF Indonesia carries out all four TAN advocacy network strategies, namely, information politics, symbolic politics, leverage politics and accountability politics. </em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) Strategi International Lesbian, Gay, Bixesual, Transgender, and Intersex Association (ILGA) dalam Mendorong Legalisasi Pernikahan Sesama Jenis di Taiwan 2024-01-03T10:41:02+08:00 Annisa Amril Majid Zulkhair Burhan <p><em>The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) is an international organization formed in 1978. ILGA was establisehd with the aim of voicing equal rights and calling for anti-discrimination against LGBT groups. Taiwan, in 2019 became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. This policy cannot be separated from ILGA's influence. Through this writing, the authors review the strategy implemented by ILGA in supporting the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan in 2019 using qualitative research methods and the policy influencer concept. This research describes ILGA's strategies, including; getting Taiwan government political support, how ILGA carries out political lobbying, building pro-LGBT alliances and encouraging dissemination and public knowledge regarding LGBT and same-sex marriage.</em></p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies)