Humaniora: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Education <p><strong>Humaniora</strong>: <em> Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Education (JLLE)</em> is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, published in June and December, twice a year electronically by Faculty of Letters Bosowa Universty. It covers the latest developments in the broad areas of English language, linguistics, literature, and education. With its uniquely broad coverage, the journal offers readers free access to all the important new research relevant to language, linguistics, literature, and education. While JLLE strives to maintain international high academic standards. It welcomes original, theoretical and practical submissions from all over the world.</p> Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Bosowa en-US Humaniora: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Education 2808-8409 Ecocritical of Climate Crisis: Drought 2023 Documentary Film: The Relationship between Human and Environment <p><em>This study explored the ecocritical dimensions in the documentary film Climate Crisis: Drought 2023, focussing on the complex relationship between humans and the environment, types of ecocriticism, and the documentary’s message through an ecocritical lens. This study used a qualitative descriptive methodology to analyse the narrative in the documentary film Climate Crisis: Drought 2023, utilising Greg Garrard’s ecocritical theory. The research findings showed the relationship between humans and nature in the representation of various ecocritical themes, including pollution, wilderness, apocalypse, shelter, animals, and the earth. Also, it identified the types of ecocriticism presented in the film, including postcolonial ecocriticism, wilderness ecocriticism, ecofeminism, material ecocriticism, and postmodern ecocriticism. These findings, highlighted the extent to which human activities and climate change affect natural ecosystems and the urgency of sustainable action, which is the message in this film documentary. It was concluded that the documentary did an excellent job of conveying important ecological challenges of the moment and encouraging audiences to consider their own involvement in protecting the environment. By highlighting the significance of incorporating ecological perspectives in literary and media analysis, this study offered insightful information for further environmental research</em><em>.</em></p> A. Nur Fikriyyah Fathinah Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa Rosmawati Rosmawati Copyright (c) 2024 A. Nur Fikriyyah Fathinah, Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa, Rosmawati Rosmawati 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 2 90 101 10.56326/jlle.v4i2.4693 Symbolic Meaning In The Traditional Dance Tua Reta Lo’u At Kajowair Village, Sikka District <p><em>The objective of the research was to find out the types of symbol, and the function of the symbol of the Tua Reta Lo’u dance at Kajowair Village, Sikka District. The method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive by applying the Charles Peirce semiotic theory the Types of Signs: Icon, Index, and Symbol. The types of symbol and the function of the symbol were analysed. Data were collected through observation, interview, video recording, and supporting documents. The results reveal that there were 10 parts of clothes both male and female in the Tua Reta Lo’u dance, 3 parts of traditional music, and 3 parts of movements in the Tua Reta Lo’u dance, had 3 types of signs including: Icon, Index, and Symbol. The clothes symbolized as beauty, protection, courage, mind control, and emotions. The traditional music symbolized of spirit and harmony. Whereas the movements symbolized of the courage, agility, and body balance. The function of the symbol of the clothes to show the strength, courage, and protection to the enemies. The traditional music had the function of the symbol to inspire the dancers and convey the message of the dance. Meanwhile, the had a function of the symbol as an expression of courage, agility, body balance, and showing off guts to the opponents.</em></p> Albertina Reynilda Eka Yani Sudirman Maca Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 Albertina Reynilda Eka Yani, Sudirman Maca, Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 2 102 113 10.56326/jlle.v4i2.4921 English Slang Words Used On 2022 Tiktok Platform <p><em>This objective of the research were to find out the types of slang word that used on tiktok platform and to find out the positive impacts and negative impacts of the used of slang word on tiktok platform. The writer used qualitative descriptive method and used Allan and Burridge’s theory to find out the types of slang word that use on tiktok platform. The positive and negative impacts of the used of slang words on the tiktok platform analyzed by the comment section of the videos. There are 5 types of the slang word used by content creator on tiktok platform, they are fresh and creative, flippant, imitative, acronym, and clipping. The result of this research shows fresh and creative is the most frequently used for english slang word. There are comments of tiktok users shows positive words and negative words. The result of data collected shows that tiktok users provide more positive impacts from comments than negative impacts</em><em>.</em></p> Dheva Dhelvia Sudirman Maca Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 Dheva Dhelvia, Sudirman Maca, Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 2 114 126 10.56326/jlle.v4i2.4676 Conflict In James Marsh’s Movie: Theory Of Everything Movie Script <p><em>The research aims are to identify the types of conflict and factors that exists in the Anthony McCarten’s movie script “Theory of Everything”. The writer used the conflict theory of Ursula Lehr to find out the conflicts and factors that exists in the movie script. The primary data is from the movie script written by Anthony McCarten which directed by James Marsh. The writer used the descriptive qualitative method in presenting this research. The results of the research, the writer found there were 6 types of conflict found in The Theory of Everything, they were conflicts in religions, personal conflict, conflict with other people, conflict with husband/wife, conflict with relatives and conflict with parents. The factors of conflicts are personal needs and goals, beliefs and values, disability and physical health, family dynamics, communication, emotional factors. In the end, the movie honors how resilient the human spirit can be when faced with hardship. It shows how people like Stephen Hawking overcome great obstacles with bravery, tenacity, and unwavering devotion to their own convictions and goals. Through this research, the writer wishes that the readers can understand the application of the Conflict theory by Ursula Lehr in finding the conflict.</em></p> Engelbert Aldo Saputra Gorang Dahlia D. Moelier Tabhan Syamsu Rijal Copyright (c) 2024 Engelbert Aldo Saputra Gorang, Dahlia D. Moelier, Tabhan Syamsu Rijal 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 2 127 138 10.56326/jlle.v4i2.4680 Wednesday Addams Antisocial Personality Disorder in Wednesday Netfilx Series <p><em>This research examined antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) in Wednesday Addams, as portrayed in the movie script Wednesday by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar. Utilizing Theodore Millon's personality disorder theory and a qualitative descriptive analysis approach, the study aimed to identify ASPD criteria and its causes. The analysis revealed that Wednesday exhibited several traits associated with ASPD, including a lack of remorse, aggressive behavior, and a disregard for social norms. The study identified 33 examples of personality disorders, categorized into antisocial (15), passive-aggressive (10), histrionic (4), and sadistic (4). The research revealed that Wednesday's behavior was influenced by two main factors: traumatic events in childhood that fostered defensive and antagonistic attitudes, and parenting that encouraged outspoken expression without considering its emotional impact. These influences contributed to her disregard for social norms, lack of empathy, and difficulty in forming meaningful relationships.</em></p> Marla Amelia Dahlia D. Moelier Tabhan Syamsu Rijal Copyright (c) 2024 Marla Amelia, Dahlia D. Moelier, Tabhan Syamsu Rijal 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 2 139 149 10.56326/jlle.v4i2.4678 The Meaning Of American Slang Lyrics On The Weeknd’s Album The Highlights (Deluxe) <p><em>Slang is an informal language that developed over time. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in society, how it changes, the kinds of language that exist, and how language affects society. It implied that a society's social life could be influenced by language when social phenomena were present. This study aims to identify the types of slang words and the meanings included in The Weeknd's 36 songs album The Highlights (Deluxe). A descriptive qualitative method was employed to ascertain or to determine the meaning of the slang words and used George Yule's theory of types of word formation to identify the types of slang words. According to the study's findings, The Weeknd used a variety of word structures in his songs in the album. There were 150 pieces of data total from The Weeknd's 27 tracks and was separated into 5 types based on The Weeknd's song lyrics; Clipping, Blending, Coinage, Acoymns, and Compounding. The Weeknd used a lot of slang terms in his songs. The writer discovered that the context of slang words affects their meaning. Many slang words may have offensive or impolite connotations, and some have been determined to have sensitive meanings</em><em>.</em></p> Mentari Mentari Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa Andi Tenri Abeng Copyright (c) 2024 Mentari Mentari, Asyrafunnisa Asyrafunnisa, Andi Tenri Abeng 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 2 150 159 10.56326/jlle.v4i2.4919 Comparative Ecocriticism The Bajo Tribe Southeast Sulawesi To Movie Script Avatar: The Way Of Water 2022 <p><em>This research aims to compare the environmental issues and the relationship between humans and nature in the Bajo tribe of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, with those depicted in the movie script Avatar: The Way of Water by James Cameron. In analyzing the data, the researcher used qualitative descriptive method. The data were obtained by using reading, note- taking, analyzing techniques through an ecocriticism approach to literary works and to classify the types that contained in the movie script, the writer used theory of Greg Garrad. This research employs an ecocriticism approach to analyze the environmental issues and ecological interactions in both the Bajo tribe and the movie script. The research objectives include identifying environmental issues in the Bajo tribe and the movie, describing the interrelationship between humans and nature in both contexts. The significance of this study lies in its contribution to enriching the analysis of environmental themes in literary works, particularly in the context of ecocriticism. The findings reveals that both tribes shared narrative of industrial-driven degradation, the prioritization of economics over ecological health, and the vulnerability of indigenous communities</em><em>.</em></p> Muh. Zulfikar Givari Rumra Dahlia D. Moelier Rezki Amalia Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Zulfikar Givari Rumra, Dahlia D. Moelier, Rezki Amalia Wahyuni 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 2 160 170 10.56326/jlle.v4i2.4679 Semiotic Analysis In Xo, Kitty Netflix Series <p><em>The purpose of this study was to identify and interpret the relationship between signifier and signified in verbal and visual aspects on posters, trailers, and scenes of the Netflix series XO, Kitty. The research method used by the researcher was descriptive qualitative analysis with a semiotic approach. The data were collected by watching the Netflix series, capturing the screen and taking notes, collecting verbal and visual aspects, and analysed based on the signifiers and signs by applying Ferdinand de Saussure's semiotic theory. The results show that in posters and visual elements such as backgrounds, character poses, and graphic elements functioned as markers that formed certain meanings regarding the theme and atmosphere of the series. In the trailers, the use of dialogue and visual montage identified the signifiers in which introduced the main characters and the conflicts that they faced. Analysis of scenes in the first episode revealed how verbal (dialogue) and visual (cinematography, setting) elements worked together to build narrative and characterization</em></p> Tiara Artamevia Sudirman Maca Rosmawati Rosmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Tiara Artamevia, Sudirman Maca, Rosmawati Rosmawati 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 4 2 171 180 10.56326/jlle.v4i2.4918