Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil Konsolidasi 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Arman Setiawan Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil</strong> <strong>Konsolidasi </strong>merupakan jurnal ilmiah jurusan teknik sipil Universitas Bosowa Makassar dengan tujuan penerbitan adalah sebagai wadah komunikasi ilmiah dan juga penyebarluasan hasil penelitian, studi literature dalam bidang teknik sipil atau ilmu terkait. <strong> Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil</strong> <strong>Konsolidasi </strong>merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola secara peer review memiliki e-ISSN: 2986-0229 (Online - Elektronik), dan p-ISSN: 2986-0237 (Cetak - Cetak) diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bosowa. <strong>Jurnal </strong><strong>Penelitian Teknik Sipil</strong> <strong>Konsolidasi </strong>terbit setiap tiga kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Januari, Mei dan September.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Penelitian Teknik Sipil Konsolidasi </strong>memberikan informasi terkait hasil penelitian dan pengembangan yang dapat diakses secara umum yang mendukung pertukaran informasi secara global guna menunjang kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang beroirientasi pada bidang Ilmu Teknik Sipil</p> Penggunaan Cangkang Kemiri Sebagai Subtitusi Agregat Kasar Dan Zat Tambah Terhadap Sifat Mekanis Beton 2023-11-20T15:19:55+08:00 Zainal Abidin Haris Arman Setiawan Eka Yuniarto <p><em>Indonesia is a developing country that is improving public infrastructure development, which serves to support the continuity of services to the community. Research that has often been carried out in general generally uses a simple technology by utilizing local resources including the use of waste as a building material, one of which is pecan shells. The purpose of this study was to obtain the effect of partial substitution of crushed stone with a kemeiri shell by 5% and the addition of various added substances by 0.6% of the weight of cement on the compressive and tensile strength of concrete. There were 47 samples made, including 23 samples of normal concrete and 24 samples of variation concrete. Concrete samples were soaked for 28 days before testing the compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete. The results of this test showed that pecan shell mixed concrete experienced a decrease in compressive and tensile strength values compared to normal concrete, while in pecan mixed concrete variations of various added substances experienced higher compressive and tensile strength values than pecan mixed concrete.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zainal Abidin Haris, Arman Setiawan, Eka Yuniarto Alternatif Perancangan Struktur Atas Gedung Kuliah IAIN Kota Palu Sulawesi Tengah 2023-11-22T12:07:14+08:00 Muh. Ramdhan Ainun Wicaksono Arman Setiawan Eka Yuniarto <p><em>The use of steel structure material as a building structure has not been as widespread as in other countries, generally steel material is used to build bridges. But if you use the strength of the steel structure as a working load bearer, it will result in a stronger profile design, and easy to implement. In this research uses a steel structure as the construction of the IAIN Palu Lecture Building has a fourfloors with a building length of 83.25 m, a building width of 70 m and a building height of 16.8 m. This research re-plans with a steel frame in its structure. This building planning refers to SNI 1726:2019, SNI 1727:2020, and SNI 1729-2020. Software used ETABS v.19 and Autocad 2019. Load analysis in the form of dead load, live load, and earthquake. The primary beam B1 WF 800.300.14.26; B2 WF 582.300.12.17; B3 WF 390.300.10.16 and L1 WF 340.250.9.14; column K1 WF 900.300.16.28; K2 WF 350.350.12.19.; and K3 WF 700.300.13.24</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Ramdhan Ainun Wicaksono, Arman Setiawan, Eka Yuniarto Peninjauan Faktor Keamanan Penanganan Longsoran Ruas Jalan Batas Kota Maros – Batas Kabupaten Bone Dengan Metode Fellenius dan Plaxis 2023-11-20T15:33:39+08:00 Andy Herlambang Fauzy Lebang fauzy.lebang@universitasbosowa.acid Arman Setiawan <p><em>Avalanche handling on the bts road section. Maros City – bts. Kab. Bone needs to review the value of the safe factor of the handling method applied. This study aims to quantitatively examine the influence of geotextiles and retaining walls on the magnitude of the value of the safe factor on a slope. This analysis uses data from the results of avalanche handling work on KM.89+995-90+045 and KM.90+395-90+405. In this study, 2 methods were used, namely the Fellenius method and the Plaxis program method. The results of this study show that the amount of safe factor values from the handling methods used at KM.89+995-90+045 and KM.90+395-90+405 locations is 2.71 and 2.27 obtained from the results of data processing using the Plaxis program, while using the Fellenius method the safe factor values are 2.70 and 1.66. Thus each safe factor value obtained is greater than the established safe factor value ( Fs &gt; 1.5)</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andy Herlambang, Fauzy Lebang, Arman Setiawan Analisis Efektifitas Jalur Khusus Sepeda di Jalan A. P. Pettarani Kota Makassar 2023-11-22T12:10:42+08:00 Andi Qalfi Zaputra Abd. Rahim Nurdin Tamrin Mallawangeng <p><em>In</em> <em>Makassar City, transportation plays an important role in improving population mobility. This increase in mobility in Makassar City has resulted in the use of private vehicles for transportation, which has a number of disadvantages. Bicycle facilities, on the other hand, remain ineffective due to bicycle lanes deemed unsafe from motorized vehicles, poor pavement, and a lack of bicycle signage. The issue raised is also a research topic, namely, how effective is the implementation of bicycle lanes in the Makassar City area? The collection of data on Jalan A. P. Pettarani is one of the study's limitations. Effectiveness is calculated using the BLOS (Bicycle Level of Service) methodology. The BLOS value of 2.94 on Jalan A. P. Pettarani was in the range of 2.5–3.5, rated C, showing that the route was less effective for bicycles. When traffic volume is low or road conditions are described as quiet, add protection for bicycle lanes with speed bumps (Type-A Bicycle Lane) to increase the BLOS value.</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Qalfi Zaputra, Abd. Rahim Nurdin, Tamrin Mallawangeng Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik Sebagai Bahan Campuran Aspal Pada Perkerasan Aspal AC-WC Dengan Perendaman Air Tawar Dan Air Laut Secara Berulang 2023-11-20T15:41:00+08:00 Seren Adelia Poetry Abd. Rahim Nurdin Andi Rumpang Yusuf <p><em>Asphalt is a cementitious material, dark or dark brown pattern, with the main factor of bitumen obtained from petroleum refining residues acting as an aggregate binder in road making. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of increasing LDPE on Marshall's characteristics in asphalt mixtures with repeated immersion. This study used LDPE plastic waste with an accumulation of 10%, 15%, and 20%. The test item samples were made of 27 variation samples. Treatment of test items was tried with repeated soaking variations of 3, 7, as well as 10 days. The manufacture of test objects is mixed hotly and refers to the 2018 Bina Marga Specifications. Testing was tried with Marshall test kits. The results of this test show that the influence of LDPE plastic waste as an added material on asphalt mixture with repeated immersion can cause density, stability, MQ, and VFB values to shrink. On the contrary, the value of flow, VMA, and VIM increases.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Seren Adelia Poetry, Abd. Rahim Nurdin, Andi Rumpang Yusuf Analisis Penggunaan Serbuk Kaca Dan Pecahan Keramik Terhadap Kuat Tekan Dan Kuat Lentur Beton 2023-11-22T12:59:50+08:00 Maraya Danusaputra Arman Setiawan Ahmad Yauri Yunus <p><em>In the current technological era, concrete is one of the most widely used building materials in the world, including in Indonesia, therefore good quality concrete will greatly support structural safety. Indonesia is also a developing country that has quite advanced industrial prospects. Glass waste and ceramic waste are increasing in volume every day because many human activities produce glass and ceramics. Most of the glass and ceramic waste is directly disposed of in open areas. This of course will pollute the environment, considering that glass and ceramics are non-recyclable materials. naturally repeated by nature. This study aims to reduce the impact caused by waste glass and ceramic shards that are disposed of directly into nature. By using word powder as a partial replacement for fine aggregate (sand) at a constant 10%, and using ceramic shards as a partial replacement for coarse aggregate at 30%, 40%, and 50%, the compressive strength results are 21.02 MPa, 21.31 MPa, and 26.21 MPa. And the resulting flexural strength is 3.87 MPa, 3.87 MPa, and 3.60 MPa.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maraya Danusaputra, Arman Setiawan, Ahmad Yauri Yunus Daur Ulang Penggunaan Aspal Panas Retak Kulit Buaya Yang Digunakan Pada Lapis Perkerasan 2023-11-20T15:53:50+08:00 Rizky Hariyanto Tahir Abd. Rahim Nurdin Tamrin Mallawangeng <p><em>Most of the road construction prosecesses in Indonesia still use convenrional methods, namely using large amounts of aggregate and asphalt, if this is done continuously it use of Reclaimed Asphalt (Cracked Crocodile Skin Asphalt), which is used hot mix material resulting from clod milling exfoliation. This research includes testing the aggregate and Marshall characteristics which were carried out at the Civil Engineering Laboratory Bosowa University. This study aims to determine the characeristics of asphalt mixture (AC-WC) using Reclaimed Asphalt ( Cracked Crocodile Skin Asphalt). As for the addition of new asphalt to Cracked Crocodile Skin Asphalt, namely 1.77%, 2.27%, 2.77%, 3.27%, 3.77% with 1 x 24 hour immersion. This results showed that the addition of new asphalt and immersion would affect the result of the Marshall test.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Hariyanto Tahir, Abd. Rahim Nurdin, Tamrin Mallawangeng Analisis Kinerja Ruas Jalan Akibat Putar Balik Pada KM 23 Depan Grand Mall Sampai Dengan Simpang Tiga Pasar Batangase Kabupaten Maros 2024-01-05T13:57:03+08:00 Musdalifah B Musdalifah Abd. Rahim Nurdin Tamrin Mallawangeng <p><em>This study aims to determine the performance of roads along the Makassar Maros axis road at KM 23 in front of the Grand Mall to the Batangase market junction due to a u-turn from the results of calculating the large volume of traffic, capacity and level of road service. The focus of this research is located on Jalan Poros Makassar Maros KM 23 starting from the front round of Graha Cemerlang Housing to the front round of Zazil Bakery. The data needed is primary data consisting of geometric road sections, vehicle volume, and vehicle speed and secondary data, namely the 1997 Road Transportation Guidebook and the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI). The results of the analysis are obtained from the calculations at point 1 and point 2 level road services are included in service level D, so the performance of roads along the Makassar - Maros Axis KM 23 (Front of the Grand Mall to the Batangase market junction) due to U-turns is low speed and varies with delays from both the same direction and the opposite opposite direction or traffic conditions are starting to become unstable</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Musdalifah B Musdalifah, Abd. Rahim Nurdin, Tamrin Mallawangeng Studi Pemanfaatan Air Hujan Sebagai Sumber Air Baku Untuk Air Bersih Pada Kampus Universitas Bosowa Makassar 2023-11-20T15:58:24+08:00 Anandha Maulina Andi Rumpang Yusuf Burhanuddin Badrun <p><em>een changed to new buildings and settlements, resulting in a decrease in water catchment areas. Rainwater that cannot seep directly into the soil will result in inundation. If the inundation is not overcome, it will trigger flooding, so a rain catchment area is needed. This research is a study that presents field survey data aimed at planning water catchment buildings and clean water treatment plants at the Bosowa University Campus in Makassar. The area of rainwater catchment is 0.4477 ha and the rainfall intensity is 39.613, hence the rainwater discharge of 0.0469 m<sup>3</sup> / second. From the results of data analysis, a rainwater harvesting system can be planned to be accommodated using a reservoir. The reservoir is planned from the results of data analysis of clean water needs at the Bosowa University Campus</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anandha Maulina, Andi Rumpang Yusuf, Burhanuddin Badrun Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Bottolai Pada Perumahan Graha Hibridah Amaro Kabupaten Barru 2023-11-20T16:15:08+08:00 Muhammad Alif Lutfian Andi Rumpang Yusuf Suryani Syahrir <p><em>With the frequent occurrence of floods at the Graha Hibridah Amaro Housing Complex, Barru Regency, it is necessary to have an effort in the form of a flood control system to minimize flood events which result in material losses and claim lives and damage existing infrastructure around the watershed. The analysis carried out in this thesis is limited to the Bottolai River, Barru District, Barru Regency. The purpose of this research is to find a solution to the flood disaster that occurred in the area. This research was conducted by collecting secondary data in the form of watershed maps and rainfall data at the nearest rainfall station. The data is to determine the return period of rainfall and flood discharge of the river. After that, by analyzing the capacity of the river channel, it can be concluded for the flood control system in the area. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the peak flood discharge using the Nakasyu method was 36.09 m3/sec, while the capacity of the Kanci River channel was 13.5 m3/sec. From the results of this analysis it can be concluded that the Kanci River has the potential to flood. So it is necessary to find a solution for flood control in the form of changing the dimensions of the drainage channel.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Alif Lutfian, Andi Rumpang Yusuf, Suryani Syahrir Pemanfaatan Batu Sungai Mappak Kabupaten Tana Toraja Dalam Campuran Laston Lapisan Antara 2023-11-20T16:16:35+08:00 Remsi Barrung Abd. Rahim Nurdin Tamrin Mallawangeng <p><em>This research aims to find out how the aggregate characteristics of the Mappak River in Tana Toraja Regency can be used as a pavement material for asphalt mixtures. The method used is the conventional marshall method to obtain the properties of the mixture and marshall immersion to obtain residual marshall stability from the optimum asphalt content mixture. The results of the study indicated that the aggregate characteristics of the Mappak River stone in Tana Toraja Regency with an aggregate wear value of 21.6% met the specifications as a road pavement layer material for Mixed Laston Intermediate Layers with Optimum Asphalt Content of 6.20%, with the mixed properties of Laston Intermediate Layers, namely Density, Stability, flow, VIM, VMA, VFB and Marshall Quentient have met the Specifications of Bina Marga 2018. Through Marshall Immersion testing the Laston Intermediate Layers mixture with Optimum Asphalt Content of 6.20% obtained Remaining Marshall Stability of 95.07%, which means that it meets the Specifications Bina Marga 2018, namely at least 90%..</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Remsi Barrung, Abd. Rahim Nurdin, Tamrin Mallawangeng Analisis Kebutuhan Ruang Parkir Berdasarkan Lama Parkir Akibat Perluasan Bandara Internasional Sultan Hasanuddin 2023-11-22T12:44:31+08:00 Maradona Panjaitan Tamrin Mallawangeng Satriawati Cangara <p><em>Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport experienced an average growth in passengers and aircraft movements for the 2014-2018 period, respectively 11.35% and 9.29% per year. Therefore, in order to improve service, airport development is being carried out referring to the Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Master Plan, including a parking building for 4-wheelers with a capacity of 624 SRP, while the existing 4-wheeled parking capacity is 1,072 SRP. So that data was collected on the number of passengers during peak hours, data on the number of vehicles and data on the duration of each vehicle's parking in 2018 before the airport development was carried out. From these data, a calculation of the need for parking space is carried out during peak hours as well as a calculation of the availability and need for parking space based on the length of time each vehicle is parked. So that the need for parking space during peak hours is 1,183 SRP, and the required capacity based on the characteristics of the length of time each vehicle is parked is 989 SRP/hour. While currently being developed is 624 SRP with a capacity based on the long parking characteristics of each vehicle is 522 SRP./hour. From the results of these calculations it can be concluded that the development of stage 1 is not able to serve parking needs during peak hours, so that additional parking space capacity is needed</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maradona Panjaitan, Tamrin Mallawangeng, Satriawati Cangara Evaluasi Transportasi Angkutan Umum Dan Keselamatan Akibat Adanya Transportasi Online di Kota Makassar 2023-11-20T16:19:26+08:00 Haerun Ni'am Abd. Rahim Nurdin Nur Hadijah Yunianti <p><em>The aim of the research is to determine the comparison of costs, time and safety between public transportation and online transportation. </em><em>Transportation or transportation is a means of moving goods or people from one place to another as desired. In general, people now know 2 types of transportation, namely online transportation and conventional transportation. Where application-based online transportation is the transfer of goods and people from the place of origin to the destination. It should be understood together that the flow of technological progress is a necessity that we inevitably have to follow. So that application-based online transportation is a transportation service that utilizes technological advances. Technology was created with the aim of facilitating all human activities that are carried out daily, not so long ago, so many demonstrations began to appear in various areas in Makassar carried out by the conventional public transport drivers to oppose the operation of the online transportation business in Indonesia, especially the city of Makassar. </em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Haerun Ni'am, Abd. Rahim Nurdin, Nur Hadijah Yunianti Penggunaan Silika Fume Untuk Reduksi Semen Dengan Limbah Granit Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar Terhadap Kuat Tekan Dan Kuat Tarik Beton 2023-11-20T16:20:56+08:00 Rina Aswanti Syahrul Sariman Eka Yuniarto <p><em>Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, and water. In order to obtain good quality in the process, added ingredients, waste, or other materials with a certain ratio value are added. In this case, the use of granite waste as a substitute for coarse aggregate that is easy to find and the use of silica fume which aims to increase the compressive strength of concrete. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of granite waste and silica fume, as well as the relationship between compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete with these variations. The percentage of granite waste and silica fume varied, ranging from 5%-10% granite waste and 0%, 7.5%, 15%, 22.5%, and 30% silica fume. Concrete testing was carried out after the concrete was 28 days old. The planned compressive strength is 25 Mpa. From the results obtained, the average normal concrete compressive strength was 27.69 Mpa and the average normal concrete tensile strength was 3.14 Mpa. The addition of 5% - 10% percentage granite waste and 0% silica fume obtained an average compressive strength of 27.74 Mpa and 27.65 Mpa, and an average tensile strength of 3.18 Mpa and 3.16 Mpa. The percentage of 10% granite waste and silica fume 7.5%, 15%, 22.5%, and 30% obtained average compressive strengths of 26.42 Mpa, 26.33 Mpa, 25.10 Mpa, and 25.01 Mpa respectively and average tensile strengths of 2.71 Mpa, 2.64 Mpa, 2.50 Mpa, and 2.41 Mpa respectively.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rina Aswanti, Syahrul Sariman, Eka Yuniarto Analisis Sumur Resapan Sebagai Pengendali Genangan Pada Perumahan Sompu Raya, Kelurahan Kallabirang, Kabupaten Takalar 2023-11-20T16:22:38+08:00 Sulthon Kharomaeni Romdhani Andi Rumpang Yusuf Burhanuddin Badrun <p><em>The importance of housing control in housing cannot be ignored. Inundation in housing can cause various problems such as infrastructure damage, poor environmental sanitation, and health problems. Therefore, inundation control is very important. One method that can be used to control deposition is to use infiltration wells. Infiltration wells are an effective way to overcome the problem of stagnant water in the train area. The aim of this study was to analyze infiltration wells as structural controllers at Sompu Raya Housing, Kallabirang Village, Takalar Regency. This research was conducted using a field survey and literature study method. The data obtained were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of this study indicate that 189 units of infiltration wells are needed to overcome inundation with 100% efficiency of air seeping into the ground with a duration of 1 hour, while the efficiency of infiltration wells by applying it to each house is 83.95%.</em></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sulthon Kharomaeni Romdhani, Andi Rumpang Yusuf, Burhanuddin Badrun