About the Journal

JILS (Journal of International and Local Studies) is a peer-reviewed and open access journal published by International Relations Department, Universitas Bosowa in 2016. Journal is designed to covers various topics and perspective of politics, economy, law, history, social, culture, and much more and to disseminate excellent articles that present new insights, ideas, and concepts that result from contemporary research projects in local and international studies.

JILS published twice a year every January and July, always places local issues in global perspective and vice versa. JILS as a part of efforts to reach the Department's vision and mission to integrate the study of international relations with global value and local value and as an effort to develop the capacity of its researchers.

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): July
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): July

Journal of International and Local Studies (JILS) particularly welcomes manuscripts that provide novelty, significant contribution, and critical point of view, based on empirical work with an expectation that they will be all accessible to readers accross the politics and social sciences. This issue covers range of topics from diplomacy, security, global norms, political economy, to AI phenomenon through various approaches. 

ISSN           : 2549-7855 (online) | 2528-1674 (print)
Publisher  : Department of International Relations, Universitas Bosowa, Makassar.


The production of this issue is still continuing, more articles will be published within the month of July 2024.

Published: 2024-07-09
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