Efektivitas Transportasi Umum Bus Rapid Ransit (BRT) Mamminasata Di Kota Makassar
Efektivitas, BRT, Mamminasata, MakassarAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Kebijakan Angkutan Umum BRT Mamminasata di Kota Makassar dan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menghambat efektivitas Angkutan Umum BRT Mamminasata di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengambil data pada Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan Perum Damri Makassar melalui dua metode yang digunakan dalam teknik pengumpulan data, yaitu metode kepustakaan dan metode penelitian lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa efektivitas Angkutan Umum BRT Mamminasata di Kota Makassar ditinjau dari dua teori, yaitu teori pengembangan kelembagaan (Esman dan Uphoff 1984) dan teori sikap pelaksana (Gerungan 2000). Pada teori pertama peneliti menemukan bahwa BRT Mamminasata belum memiliki lembaga khusus untuk memberikan pelayanan penuh kepada BRT Mamminasata, sedangkan lembaga UPT Transportasi Mamminasata hanya sebatas mengawasi operasional BRT Mamminasata. Sosialisasi yang dilakukan Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Sulsel itu memberikan informasi pada saat peluncurannya tahun 2014 dengan Tribun Timur dan Berita Satu. Indikator teoritis kedua, peneliti menemukan bahwa Unit Transportasi Mamminasata telah mengevaluasi pengadaan institusi yang khusus menangani BRT Mamminasata. Hasil penelitian lainnya adalah BTS Makassar sebagai wujud dari hasil evaluasi BRT Mamminasata. Teori kedua menjadi fokus penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sikap aktor pelaksana dilihat dari komponen kognitif yaitu Standar Operasional Prosedur dari Dinas Perhubungan yang berisi Time Table yang mengatur jadwal jalan dan halte di setiap halte, sedangkan Standar Operasional Prosedur yang dimiliki Perum Damri Makassar, digunakan oleh aktor pelaksana. Untuk memberikan pelayanan kepada penumpang BRT Mamminasata, berdasarkan hasil observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, seluruh SOP telah dilaksanakan dengan baik. Adapun hasil kajian pada indikator kedua yaitu komponen sikap konatif, peneliti menemukan bahwa, masyarakat menanggapi BRT Mamminasata melalui apa yang mereka lihat di jalan dan bukan dari sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Perhungan melalui media massa, tingkat kepuasan masyarakat pengguna BRT Mamminasata cukup memuaskan. , hal ini berdasarkan hasil dokumentasi survey yang diadakan oleh Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, hasil observasi dan wawancara juga didapatkan bahwa masyarakat puas dengan pelayanan dan fasilitas yang mereka dapatkan di dalam bus. Kendalanya adalah jarak halte dari pemukiman masyarakat
This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of the Mamminasata BRT Public Transportation Policy in Makassar City and the factors that hinder the effectiveness of Mamminasata BRT Public Transportation in Makassar City. This research is descriptive and qualitative by taking data from the Department of Transportation of South Sulawesi Province and Perum Damri Makassar through two methods used in data collection techniques, namely the library method and field research methods by conducting interviews. The results of this study reveal that the effectiveness of the Mamminasata BRT Public Transportation in Makassar City is viewed from two theories, namely the theory of institutional development (Esman and Uphoff 1984) and the theory of attitude of implementers (Gerungan 2000). In the first theory, the researcher found that BRT Mamminasata does not yet have a special institution to provide full service to BRT Mamminasata, while the UPT Transport Mamminasata institution is only limited to supervising the operation of BRT Mamminasata. The socialization carried out by the South Sulawesi Provincial Transportation Service was providing information at the time of its launch in 2014 with the East Tribune and Berita Satu. The second theoretical indicator, the researcher found that the Mamminasata Transportation Unit had evaluated the procurement of institutions specifically to handle the Mamminsata BRT. The other research results are the Makassar BTS as a manifestation of the results of the Mamminasata BRT evaluation. The second theory is the focus of this research. The results of this study found that the attitude of the implementing actor was seen from the cognitive component, namely the Standard Operational Procedure from the Department of Transportation containing a Time Table that regulates the road schedule and bus stops at each stop, while the Standard Operating Procedure owned by Perum Damri Makassar, was used by the implementing actor. To provide services to the passengers of the Mamminasata BRT, based on the results of observations, interviews, and documentation, all SOP has been implemented properly. As for the results of the study on the second indicator, namely the conative attitude component, the researcher found that, the community responded to the Mamminasata BRT through what they saw on the street and not from the socialization carried out by the Office through the mass media, the level of satisfaction of the Mamminasata BRT user community was quite satisfactory. , this is based on the results of the documentation of a survey held by the Department of Transportation of South Sulawesi Province, the results of observations and interviews also found that people were satisfied with the services and facilities they got on the bus. The obstacle is the distance of the bus stop from community settlements
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Copyright (c) 2022 Arya Muhammad Habibilah, Syamsuddin Maldun, Nurkaidah Nurkaidah

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