Upaya UNICEF dalam Mengembangkan Model Gerakan Anti Perundungan terhadap Anak Sekolah melalui Program Roots di Kota Makassar Tahun 2016-2018


  • Liliani Toding Talantan Universitas Bosowa
  • Zulkhair Burhan




UNICEF, bullying, Roots Program, anti-bullying movement, Makassar


This research aims to understand UNICEF's efforts in developing an anti-bullying movement model through the Roots Program.through the Roots Program. Bullying in school children is a familiar bullying itself has become a global phenomenon. In 2016-2018 UNICEF, together with the Government of Indonesia and the Yayasan Indonesia Mengabdi Foundation collaborated in testing the implementation of the Roots Program in Makassar City as a first phase trial. This research uses the concept of International Organizations through Clive Archer's views in understanding the role of the Roots Program in creating an anti-bullying campaign movement in schools. The results showed that there were three ways of developing the anti-bullying movement model which was implemented during the first phase of the pilot test in Makassar City, namely, 1) Roots Day anti-bullying campaign at school; 2) Formation of Agenn Perubahan; 3) Dissemination of positive messages and behaviors. This research concludes that these methods are successful in overcoming the problem of bullying in SMPN 37 and SMPN 10 Makassar.


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How to Cite

Talantan, L. T., & Burhan, Z. (2024). Upaya UNICEF dalam Mengembangkan Model Gerakan Anti Perundungan terhadap Anak Sekolah melalui Program Roots di Kota Makassar Tahun 2016-2018. Journal of International and Local Studies, 8(2), 107–117. https://doi.org/10.56326/jils.v8i2.4402


