Daur Ulang Penggunaan Aspal Panas Retak Kulit Buaya Yang Digunakan Pada Lapis Perkerasan


  • Rizky Hariyanto Tahir Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bosowa
  • Abd. Rahim Nurdin Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bosowa
  • Tamrin Mallawangeng Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Bosowa




Crocodile Skin Cracked Asphalt, AC-WC, Oil Asphalt, Marshall Characteristics


Most of the road construction prosecesses in Indonesia still use convenrional methods, namely using large amounts of aggregate and asphalt, if this is done continuously it use of Reclaimed Asphalt (Cracked Crocodile Skin Asphalt), which is used hot mix material resulting from clod milling exfoliation. This research includes testing the aggregate and Marshall characteristics which were carried out at the Civil Engineering Laboratory Bosowa University. This study aims to determine the characeristics of asphalt mixture (AC-WC) using Reclaimed Asphalt ( Cracked Crocodile Skin Asphalt). As for the addition of new asphalt to Cracked Crocodile Skin Asphalt, namely 1.77%, 2.27%, 2.77%, 3.27%, 3.77% with 1 x 24 hour immersion. This results showed that the addition of new asphalt and immersion would affect the result of the Marshall test.


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