Implementasi Kebijakan, Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai, KinerjaAbstract
Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pemberian tambahan penghasilan dalam peningkatan kinerja pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Sinjai. Pemberian tambahan penghasilan bagi pegawai dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kesejahteraan pegawai Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Sinjai, berdasarkan Peraturan Bupati No.8 tahun 2018 Tentang Pedoman Pemberian Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Sinjai. Penelitian ini mempergunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, sumber data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dan primer yang dianalisis secara induktif. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa Implementasi Kebijakan Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai (TPP) pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Sinjai sudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku. Namun dalam proses penerapan implementasi kebijakan, belum tersosialisasikan dengan baik dan transparan kepada seluruh pegawai. Adanya peningkatan kinerja dan disiplin pegawai, meskipun masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan dalam aspek komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi dan struktur birokrasi. Kekurangan yang ada hanya bersifat teknis dan tidak mempengaruhi secara keseluruhan terhadap kinerja yang dicapai.
This research intends to analyze the implementation of the policy of providing additional income to improve performance at the Education Office of Sinjai Regency. The background of this research departs from the reality related to providing extra income for employees to enhance the performance and welfare of the Sinjai Regency Education Office employees, based on Regent Regulation No. 8 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for Providing Extra Employee Income in the Sinjai Regency Government. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach; the data sources used were secondary and primary data which were analyzed inductively. From the research results, it was concluded that the Implementation of the extra Employee Income Policy at the Education Office of Sinjai Regency had been carried out following applicable procedures. However, in implementing the policy, it needs to be appropriately and transparently socialized to all employees. There is an increase in employee performance and discipline, although there are still some shortcomings in communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. The existing deficiencies are only technical and do not affect the overall performance achieved
This research intends to analyze the implementation of the policy of providing additional income to improve performance at the Education Office of Sinjai Regency. The background of this research departs from the reality related to providing extra income for employees to enhance the performance and welfare of the Sinjai Regency Education Office employees, based on Regent Regulation No. 8 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for Providing Extra Employee Income in the Sinjai Regency Government. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach; the data sources used were secondary and primary data which were analyzed inductively. From the research results, it was concluded that the Implementation of the extra Employee Income Policy at the Education Office of Sinjai Regency had been carried out following applicable procedures. However, in implementing the policy, it needs to be appropriately and transparently socialized to all employees. There is an increase in employee performance and discipline, although there are still some shortcomings in communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The existing deficiencies are only technical and do not affect the overall performance achieved.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Andi Jefrianto Asapa, Andi Rasyid Pananrangi, Umar Congge

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